

  1. pikkuinen, hyvin pieni



pieni, kevytsarjalainen, diminutiivinen, lilliputti-, kääpiö-, pikkuinen, pikkuruinen, kärpäsenlika, lilliputtimainen, mitätön, siro, sorja.


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tiny rimmaa näiden kanssa:

penny, nynny, känny, tyyny, lattiatyyny, niskatyyny, neulatyyny, ilmatyyny, haavatyyny, sohvatyyny...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

tiny (englanti > suomi)

  1. pikkuinen

tiny englanniksi

  1. very Very small.

  2. {{quote-magazine|year=2013|month=July-August|author=http://www.americanscientist.org/authors/detail/catherine-clabby Catherine Clabby

  3. A small child; an infant.

  4. 1924, (w), Some Do Not…, Penguin 2012 (Parades End''), p. 28:

  5. ‘You know I loved your husband like a brother, and you know I've loved you and Sylvia ever since she was a tiny.’
  6. 1982, Young children in China (page 84)

  7. The lessons we saw have been well suited to the age of the children as regards music, singing and moving (and stories about animals for the tinies and more abstract themes for the older children).
  8. Anything very small.

  9. 1956, Victoria Sackville-West, Even More For Your Garden (page 102)

  10. Might I now add a plea for the smaller irises, the tinies? They, also, should be divided up and replanted just now.
