

  1. taivm painollinen akkusatiivi sanasta tu


te iubesc pe tine – rakastan 'sinua'



piikki, kärki.

Rimmaavat sanat

tine rimmaa näiden kanssa:

vastine, todellisuusvastine...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

tine (englanti > suomi)

  1. piikki

  2. haara

tine englanniksi

  1. A spike or point on an implement or tool, especially a prong of a fork or a tooth of a comb

  2. A small branch, especially on an antler or horn

  3. puhekieltä Trouble; distress; teen.

  4. Spenser

  5. Cruel winter's tine.
  6. To kindle; to set on fire.

  7. Dryden

  8. to tine the cloven wood
    coals of contention and hot vengeance 'tind'''
  9. puhekieltä To rage; to smart.

  10. Ne was there slave, ne was there medicine / That mote recure their wounds; so inly they did tine.
  11. To shut in, or enclose.

  12. (rfquotek)

  13. (alternative form of)

  14. fire

  15. (inflection of)

  16. thaw

  17. Traditional bentwood box

  18. puhekieltä you

  19. te iubesc pe tine - I love you
