

  1. tahmea

  2. tukala (tilanne)



kiinnittyvä, tahmea, tarttuva, tarrautuva, tahmainen, tarra-, vaikea, hankala, hämmentävä, kiusallinen, nolo, piinallinen.

Rimmaavat sanat

sticky rimmaa näiden kanssa:

myhky, kyyhky, kirjekyyhky, turturikyyhky, sepelkyyhky, rauhankyyhky, turkinkyyhky, uuttukyyhky, kesykyyhky, nyyhky...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

sticky englanniksi

  1. Able or likely to stick.

  2. Is this tape sticky enough to stay on that surface?

  3. Potentially difficult to escape from.

  4. This is a sticky situation. We could be in this for weeks if were not careful.''

  5. 2014, Michael White, " Roll up, roll up! The Amazing Salmond will show a Scotland you won't believe", The Guardian, 8 September 2014:

  6. Salmond studied medieval Scottish history as well as economics at university so he cannot say he has not had fair warning – it was even more turbulent and bloody than England at that time – and plenty of Scotland's kings and leaders came to a sticky end.
  7. Of weather, hot and windless and with high humidity, so that people feel sticky from sweating.

  8. 2008, Robert K. Fitts, Wally Yonamine: The Man Who Changed Japanese Baseball

  9. The baby was due in December and the hot, sticky August weather was making Jane uncomfortable.
  10. puhekieltä persistent Persistent.

  11. We should make the printing direction sticky so the user doesnt have to keep setting it.''

  12. puhekieltä Appearing on all virtual desktops.

  13. puhekieltä Fixed at the top of the list of topics or threads so as to keep it in view.

  14. puhekieltä compelling Compelling enough to keep visitors from leaving.

  15. A woman has come to me with the complaint that her website is not sticky: 70% of the visits last 30 seconds or less.

  16. A sticky note, such as a post-it note.

  17. Her desk is covered with yellow stickies.

  18. puhekieltä A small adhesive particle found in wastepaper.

  19. puhekieltä A sweet dessert wine.

  20. puhekieltä to fix a thread at the top of the list of topics or threads so as to keep it in view.
