

  1. anoa, pyytää

  2. tavoitella

Liittyvät sanat: solicitor



kysyä, pyytää, anoa, houkutella, kannustaa, aiheuttaa, saada jku tekemään jtak, saada aikaan, aikaansaada, taivuttaa, houkutella laittomuuksiin, yrittää lahjoa, tavoitella, kerjätä, koota almuja, kampanjoida, kalastella ääniä.

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solicit rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

solicit englanniksi

  1. To persistently endeavor to obtain an object, or bring about an event.

  2. to solicit alms, or a favour

  3. Alexander Pope

  4. I view my crime, but kindle at the view, / Repent old pleasures, and solicit new.
    Did I solicit thee From darkness to promote me?
  5. To woo; to court.

  6. To persuade or incite one to commit some act, especially illegal or sexual behavior.

  7. Milton

  8. That fruit (..) solicited her longing eye.
  9. Locke

  10. Sounds and some tangible qualities solicit their proper senses, and force an entrance to the mind.

    If you want to lose your virginity, you should try to solicit some fine looking women.

  11. To offer to perform sexual activity, especially when for a payment.

  12. My girlfriend tried to solicit me for sex, but I was tired.

  13. To make a petition.

  14. puhekieltä To disturb or trouble; to harass.

  15. To urge the claims of; to plead; to act as solicitor for or with reference to.

  16. Ford

  17. Should / My brother henceforth study to forget / The vow that he hath made thee, I would ever / Solicit thy deserts.
  18. puhekieltä To disturb; to disquiet.

  19. Chapman

  20. Hath any ill solicited thine ears?
  21. Dryden

  22. But anxious fears solicit my weak breast.
