

  1. sohjo

  2. loska

  3. jäähilejuoma




Rimmaavat sanat

slush rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

slush (englanti > suomi)

  1. loska

  2. muta

  3. jäähilejuoma

slush englanniksi

  1. Half-melted snow or ice.

  2. As the skiing season drew to an end, there was nothing but slush left on the piste.

  3. Liquid mud or mire.

  4. flavored Flavored shaved ice served as a drink.

  5. A soft mixture of grease and other materials, used for lubrication.

  6. The refuse grease and fat collected in cooking, especially on shipboard.

  7. puhekieltä A mixture of white lead and lime, used as a paint to prevent oxidation.

  8. puhekieltä Jargon for unsolicited manuscripts, as in slush pile.

  9. To smear with slushy liquid or grease.

  10. {{quote-journal|date=July 9, 2008|author=Donald G. Mcneil|title=Restless Pioneers, Seeding Brooklyn|work=New York Times|url=

  11. To slosh or splash; to move as, or through, a slushy or liquid substance.

  12. {{quote-book|year=1902|author=Jack London|title=The Cruise of the Dazzler|chapter=|edition=|url=

  13. {{quote-journal|date=March 4, 1994|author=Dave Wiethop, Sandi Abadinski|title=Reader to Reader|work=Chicago Reader|url=

  14. {{quote-book|year=1919|author=F. Scott Fitzgerald|title=This Side of Paradise|chapter=|edition=|url=

  15. {{quote-book|year=1918|author=Randall Parrish|title=Wolves of the Sea|chapter=|edition=|url=

  16. {{quote-book|year=1907|author=Nicholas Carter|title=A Woman at Bay|chapter=|edition=|url=

  17. {{quote-book|year=1888|author=Wilfrid Chateauclair|title=The Young Seigneur|chapter=|edition=|url=

  18. {{quote-book|year=1867|author=Frank Jardine and Alexander Jardine|title=The Overland Expedition of The Messrs. Jardine|chapter=|edition=|url=

  19. To paint with a mixture of white lead and lime.

  20. slushEnglish slush (gloss)
