

  1. takavarikointi

  2. (taudin, tunne- tai kipu-) kohtaus


epileptic seizure epilepsiakohtaus

Liittyvät sanat: seize



anastaminen, omaksiotto, haltuunotto, kaappaus, anastus, riisto, vallanriisto, takavarikointi, lunastus, takavarikko, pantiksi ottaminen, ulosotto, internointi, takavarikoiminen, vangitseminen, kiinniotto.

Rimmaavat sanat

seizure rimmaa näiden kanssa:

force majeure, kure, houre, kuumehoure, suure, vakiosuure, satunnaissuure...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

seizure (englanti > suomi)

  1. pidätys

  2. kohtaus

seizure englanniksi

  1. The act of taking possession, as by force or right of law.

  2. the seizure of a thief, a property, a throne, etc.

    The search warrant permitted the seizure of evidence.

  3. 1874, (w), (w) Chapter VII

  4. As yet there had been no alarm of fever. The three seizures had excited some comment, however, and had it not been for the counter-excitement of the burning ship, it is possible that Pine's precaution would have been thrown away
  5. A sudden attack or convulsion, (e.g. an epileptic seizure).

  6. He fell to the floor and convulsed when the epilectic seizure occurred.

  7. A sudden onset of pain or emotion.

  8. He felt the sudden seizure of pain as the heart attack began.

  9. puhekieltä retention within one's grasp or power; possession; ownership

  10. Dryden

  11. Make o'er thy honour by a deed of trust, / And give me seizure of the mighty wealth.
  12. That which is seized, or taken possession of; a thing laid hold of, or possessed.
