

  1. säkenöidä



säkenöidä, säteillä, säihkyä, fluoresoida, olla, hohtaa, paistaa, helottaa, välkkyä, tuikkia, kipunoida.

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Englannin sanakirja

scintillate englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To give off sparks; to shine as if emanate emanating sparks; to twinkle or glow.

  2. (quote-journal) 1. (smallcaps) as thick as a stocking wire was instantly fused, scintillated, and fell into a large globule. 2. (smallcaps) fused instantly and slightly scintillated.

  3. (quote-journal)|year=1920|page=737|oclc=1565148|passage=In fact, the whole place scintillated. Madame scintillated with combs and finery and jewellery behind the counter, mirrors innumerable scintillated behind Madame, whilst the ragtime scintillated from (as I discovered) a pianola (..)

  4. (quote-journal)|year=1969|volume=II|page=24|oclc=917495011|passage=There it no other word to describe it; the book scintillates. It moves with a rush and a sweep that carry the reader along like a chip on the current of the Niagara rapids.

  5. (quote-book)|year=2001|volume_plain=book I|page=80|isbn=978-0-7022-3176-6|passage=The interior of the prison flashed white with suddenly-turned faces. The gloom scintillated, as it were, with rapidly-moving hands.

  6. (quote-book)

  7. (quote-book)|chapter=Description of the Poem|title=Valéry's Graveyard: Le Cimetière marin Translated, Described, and Peopled|series=Currents in Comparative Romance Languages and Literatures|seriesvolume=186|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=w:Peter Lang (publisher)|Peter Lang Publishing|year=2011|page=20|isbn=978-1-4331-1334-5|passage=a quivering roof; / the scintillating surface of the sea; / time itself, scintillating; (..)

  8. puhekieltä Of a star or other celestial body: to vary rapidly in brightness; to twinkle.

  9. (quote-journal) and published at the apartments of the w:Royal Astronomical Society|Royal Astronomical Society|date=11 December 1857|year_published=1858|volume=XVIII|issue=2|page=53|pageurl=|oclc=472539708|passage=Do the stars scintillate at all altitudes? Is there any altitude at which it ceases to manifest itself? At (w) the stars in general scintillate at all altitudes, although feebly near the zenith; but on the nights when the scintillation is very faint, it ceases completely at a zenith distance of 45°.

  10. (quote-journal), Professor of Mathematics at Morges.|magazine=w:Philosophical Magazine|The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science|location=London|publisher=w:Taylor & Francis|Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court, (w), printers and publishers to the (w) ...|month=March|year=1860|volume=XIX (4th Ser.)|issue=CXXVI|page=223|pageurl=|oclc=|passage=It is generally believed that the planets do not scintillate at all, or scarcely at all. Nevertheless I have often observed a sensible scintillation of Venus and Mars, and in a few rare cases I have also observed a slight scintillation of Jupiter and Saturn. (..) I would therefore call the attention of observers who may find themselves under atmospherical conditions of a nature to render the general scintillation very strong, to this point, as they might perhaps be able to ascertain whether Jupiter and Saturn ever sensibly scintillate.

  11. (quote-book)|year=2007|page=48|isbn=978-0-470-01305-2|passage=A star, or other point-like source, viewed through the atmosphere can be seen by eye to fluctuate in intensity. An extended object has a brightness distribution that is convolved with the seeing disk. That is, the object's brightness distribution can be thought of as a series of point sources of different brightness, each one 'blurred' to the size of the seeing disk and each seeing disk is scintillating. If the eye could spatially resolve each of these points, it would see brightness fluctuations across a source. However, the resolution of the human eye (≈ 1′) is much poorer than the seeing (≈ 1″). (..) The result is that the eye perceives an extended source as steadily shining.

  12. puhekieltä Especially of a phosphor: to emit a flash of light upon absorb absorbing ionizing radiation.

  13. puhekieltä To throw off like sparks.

  14. 1857, (w), “Mr. Arabin”, in w:Barchester Towers|Barchester Towers: In Three Volumes, London: w:Longman Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans & Roberts, (w) 911659634; republished as Barchester Towers. ... In Two Volumes (Hand and Pocket Library; II), volume I, New York, N.Y.: (w), 18 w:Ann Street (Manhattan)|Ann Street, 1860, (w) 863553483, page 201:

  15. As a boy young Arabin took up the cudgels on the side of the Tractarians, and at Oxford he sat for a while at the feet of the great w:John Henry Newman|John Henry Newman. To this cause he lent all his faculties. For it he concocted verses, for it he made speeches, for it he scintillated the brightest sparks of his quiet wit.
  16. (quote-book)|year=2012|page=250|isbn=978-1-4759-3910-1|passage=It the wind rushed through the resonant stone horns and across the vibrating vines, washed though the swaying branches and leaves of the trees and scintillated the expectant flowers, all of which began to pulsate together in a tuneful but almost discordant way until the cacophonous prelude was overcome with high joyful sounds.

  17. second-person plural present tense and imperative of scintillare

  18. (inflection of)
