

  1. reliikki



esine, fyysinen esine, muinaisjäännös, muistoesine, matkamuisto, lahja, merkki, muisto, rakkauden symboli, pikkulahja, jäänne, jäännös, reliikki, arkeologiset jäänteet.

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Englannin sanakirja

relic (englanti > suomi)

  1. jäännökset|p

  2. muisto, muistoesine

  3. pyhäinjäännös, reliikki

relic englanniksi

  1. That which remains; that which is left after loss or decay; a remaining portion.

  2. Something old and outdated, possibly kept for sentimental reasons.

  3. 1991, U.S. News & World Report (volume 116, issues 9-16, page 72)

  4. Published in 1982, the now out-of-print computer guide is a real relic, full of dozens of black-and-white pictures of large, bulky computers that you would sooner find in the Smithsonian than on anybody's desk today.
  5. puhekieltä A part of the body of a saint, or an ancient religious object, kept for veneration.

  6. (inflection of)
