

  1. yhteys|urheilu|k=en pelivälineen kimpoaminen takaisian peliin; levypallo (koripallossa); paluupallo (jalkapallossa); paluukiekko (jääkiekossa)



koppi, sieppaus, kahmaisu, kouraisu, nappaus, tarttuminen, ottaa levypallo, reaktio, korvike, liikehdintä, liike, rekyyli, potkaisu, takaisku, pomppu, ponnahdus, kimpoaminen.

Rimmaavat sanat

rebound rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

rebound (englanti > suomi)

  1. kimpoaminen, pomppaaminen, pomppu

  2. toipuminen

  3. lohdutuspalkinto

  4. levypallo

  5. kimmota

  6. ponnahtaa

rebound englanniksi

  1. The recoil of an object bouncing off another.

  2. A return to health or well-being; a recovery.

  3. I am on the rebound.

  4. An effort to recover from a setback.

  5. A romantic partner with whom one begins a relationship (or the relationship one begins) for the sake of get over|getting over a previous, recently-ended romantic relationship.

  6. (quote-book)

  7. puhekieltä The strike of the ball after it has bounced off a defending player, the crossbar or goalpost.

  8. {{quote-journal

  9. puhekieltä An instance of catching the ball after it has hit the rim or backboard without a basket being scored, generally credited to a particular player.

  10. To bound or spring back from a force.

  11. Sir Isaac Newton

  12. Bodies which are absolutely hard, or so soft as to be void of elasticity, will not rebound from one another.
  13. To give back an echo.

  14. (rfquotek)

  15. puhekieltä To jump up or get back up again.

  16. puhekieltä To send back; to reverberate.

  17. Dryden

  18. Silenus sung; the vales his voice rebound, / And carry to the skies the sacred sound.
  19. (en-past of)
