

  1. yhteys|urheilu|k=en (kuulan) työntö

  2. yhteys|taloustiede|k=en myyntioptio



panna sisään, sulkea sisäänsä, laittaa, lisätä tapaus luetteloon, virittää, asettaa perään, sijoittaa edelle, panna, asettaa, sijoittaa, pistää.

Liittyvät sanat: putata, puteli, putelli, putiikki, putinki, putipuhdas.


  1. bose: putka : Slurkit pani mut boseen yöks, aamulla pääsin veks.

  2. butku: putka / selli

  3. fakis: putkassa / pidätettynä

  4. kaappi: putka / vankila

  5. potero: putka / kuoppa : Slurkit haki Maukan poteroon yöks.

  6. puteli: pullo : Missä mun sista puteli on, tänne mä sen panin.

  7. putiikki: kauppa / yritys

  8. putikka: puoti

  9. putkeen, menee: yhtäjaksoisesti / onnistua toistuvasti : Se on menny viikon putkeen.

  10. putki: yhtäjaksoinen toimi (hyvä tai paha) : Sillon taas toi ryyppyputki päällä.

  11. putoilla: purskahdella hillittömään nauruun.

  12. putoo: kaatua lyönnistä / pyörtyä

  13. putoo ku rätti: kaatua lyönnistä nopeasti

  14. putsaa: puhdistaa

  15. putsaa: varastaa : Viikonloppuna oli firman kassa taas putsattu.

  16. putsari: puhdistaja

  17. putsi / putsina: puhdas / puhtaana / siisti

  18. putsit: (huume)pulveri : "Putsit pönttöön, slurkit tulee"

  19. putsit paprut: puhtaat paperit / ei merkintää rikosrekisterissä, tms.

  20. putsku: puuteri

  21. rööri: putki

  22. sumppu: putka


Rimmaavat sanat

put rimmaa näiden kanssa:

kaput, korvalaput, tikaraput, reput, lemput, input, output...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

put (englanti > suomi)

  1. panna, laittaa, asettaa

  2. panna

  3. käyttää put-optio

  4. esittää

  5. työntää

put englanniksi

  1. To place something somewhere.

  2. (ux)

  3. (quote-book)|chapter=8

  4. (quote-book)|title=(w)

  5. To bring or set into a certain relation, state or condition.

  6. puhekieltä To exercise a put option.

  7. To express something in a certain manner.

  8. Hare

  9. All this is ingeniously and ably put.
  10. puhekieltä To throw a heavy iron ball, as a sport. (qualifier)

  11. To steer; to direct one's course; to go.

  12. (w)

  13. His fury thus appeased, he puts to land.
  14. To play a card or a hand in the game called put.

  15. To attach or attribute; to assign.

  16. to put a wrong construction on an act or expression

  17. puhekieltä To lay down; to give up; to surrender.

  18. Wyclif Bible, John xv. 13

  19. No man hath more love than this, that a man put his life for his friends.
  20. To set before one for judgment, acceptance, or rejection; to bring to the attention.

  21. to put a question; to put a case

  22. Berkeley

  23. Put the perception and you put the mind.
  24. Milton

  25. These verses, originally Greek, were put in Latin.
  26. (RQ:Orwell Animal Farm)

  27. Now if there was one thing that the animals were completely certain of, it was that they did not want Jones back. When it was put to them in this light, they had no more to say.
  28. puhekieltä To incite; to entice; to urge; to constrain; to oblige.

  29. Jonathan Swift

  30. These wretches put us upon all mischief.
  31. Sir Walter Scott

  32. Put me not to use the carnal weapon in my own defence.
    Thank him who puts me, loath, to this revenge.
  33. puhekieltä To convey coal in the mine, as for example from the working to the tramway.

  34. (rfquotek)

  35. puhekieltä A right to sell something at a predetermined price.

  36. puhekieltä A contract to sell a security at a set price on or before a certain date.

  37. He bought a January 08 put for Procter and Gamble at 80 to hedge his bet.''

  38. Johnson's Cyc.

  39. A put and a call may be combined in one instrument, the holder of which may either buy or sell as he chooses at the fixed price.
  40. The act of putting; an action; a movement; a thrust; a push.

  41. the put of a ball

  42. L'Estrange

  43. The stag's was a forc'd put, and a chance rather than a choice.
  44. An old card game.

  45. puhekieltä An idiot; a foolish person.

  46. Bramston

  47. Queer country puts extol Queen Bess's reign.
  48. F. Harrison

  49. What droll puts the citizens seem in it all.
  50. 1749, Henry Fielding, Tom Jones, Folio Society 1973, page 244:

  51. The old put wanted to make a parson of me, but d—n me, thinks I to myself, I'll nick you there, old cull; the devil a smack of your nonsense shall you ever get into me.
  52. puhekieltä A prostitute.

  53. well; pit

  54. (ca-verb form of)

  55. pit, well

  56. (nl-verb form of)

  57. puhekieltä puttEtymology 2|putt, imitating the sound of a low speed internal combustion engine, usually repeated at least twice: put, put.

  58. (inflection of)

  59. (alternative spelling of)

  60. (lv-inflection of)

  61. (qualifier)'' (lv-inflection of)

  62. (jbo-rafsi of)

  63. (ro-form-verb)

  64. push, shove

  65. jostle

  66. press

  67. young grouse, pout (qualifier)

  68. puhekieltä large buoy, float (qualifier)

  69. corpulent person; any bulge bulging thing

  70. shovelful, sod, spadeful

  71. puhekieltä bruised swelling

  72. road

  73. put za Sarajevo — road to Sarajevo

    gd(j)e vodi ovaj put? — where does this road lead?

  74. way

  75. ovim putem — this way

    ići pravim putem — to go the right way

    vodeni put — waterway

    ići svojim putem — to go one's own way

    stati nekome na put — to stand in somebody's way

    teret je na putu — cargo is on the way

    miči mi se s puta! — get out of my way!

    najkraći put do bolnice — the shortest way to the hospital

    na pola puta do škole — halfway to the school

  76. path

  77. krčiti put — to clear a path

    put do usp(j)eha — the path to success

  78. trip, journey

  79. ići na put — to go on a trip

    biti na putu — to be on a trip

    put oko sv(ij)eta — a trip around the world

    poslovni put — a business trip

  80. (non-gloss definition)

  81. sudskim putem — by legal means

    službenim/zvaničnim putem — through official channels

    Ml(ij)ečni put — Milky Way

  82. complexion, skin hue, tan

  83. sv(ij)etla put — fair complexion/tan

    tamna put — dark complexion/tan

    crna put — black complexion/tan

  84. body as a totality of physical properties and sensitivities

  85. mlada put — a young body

    gladna put — a hungry body

  86. puhekieltä to, towards

  87. put Sarajeva — towards Sarajevo

    put škole — to school

    vozimo se put sela — we are driving towards the village

    krenuo sam put grada — I went towards the city

  88. time (with adjectives, ordinals and demonstratives indicating order in the sequence of actions or occurrences)

  89. prvi put — the first time, for the first time

    drugi put — the second time, for the second time; another time

    ovaj put — this time

    sljedeći/sledeći put — the next time

    posljednji/poslednji put — the last time

    po stoti put — for the hundredth time

    svaki put — every time

  90. foot
