

  1. harjoitella

  2. harjoittaa

Liittyvät sanat: practice



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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

practise englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To repeat as a way of improving one's skill in that activity.

  2. You should practise playing piano every day.

  3. puhekieltä To repeat an activity in this way.

  4. If you want to speak French well, you need to practise.

  5. puhekieltä To perform or observe in a habitual fashion.

  6. They gather to practise religion every Saturday.

  7. puhekieltä To pursue (a career, especially law, fine art or medicine).

  8. She practised law for forty years before retiring.

  9. puhekieltä To conspire.

  10. To put into practice; to carry out; to act upon; to commit; to execute; to do.

  11. Shakespeare

  12. Aught but Talbot's shadow whereon to practise your severity.''
  13. Alexander Pope

  14. As this advice ye practise or neglect.
  15. To make use of; to employ.

  16. Massinger

  17. In malice to this good knight's wife, I practised Ubaldo and Ricardo to corrupt her.
  18. To teach or accustom by practice; to train.

  19. Landor

  20. In church they are taught to love God; after church they are practised to love their neighbour.
  21. väärinkirjoitettu muoto
