

  1. (kasvitiede) unikko



kukka, unikkokasvit, Papaveraceae-heimo, unikkokasvien heimo, unikko, alppiunikko, Papaver alpinum, Papaver californicum, hietaunikko, Papaver argemone.

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poppy rimmaa näiden kanssa:

hörppy, hyppy, kasakkahyppy, laukkahyppy, tasajalkahyppy, kalahyppy, uimahyppy, haarahyppy, ponnahduslautahyppy, pellehyppy...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

poppy (englanti > suomi)

  1. unikukka, unikko

  2. unikko

  3. popahtava

poppy englanniksi

  1. Any plant of the species Papaver, with crumpled often red petals and a milky juice.

  2. A bright red colour, tinted with orange, like that of the poppy flower.

  3. (color panel)

  4. puhekieltä A simple artificial poppy worn in the buttonhole to remember the fallen in the two World Wars, especially around Remembrance Sunday.

  5. {{quote-journal

  6. Of a bright red color, tinted with orange, like that of the poppy flower.

  7. An affectionate nickname given to a father or grandfather, or a male authority figure standing in a similar position.

  8. puhekieltä In the style of pop music.

  9. Having a popping sound.
