

  1. ryöstää, ryöstellä

Liittyvät sanat: plunderer



varastettu omaisuus, ryöstösaalis, saalis, kaapattu vihollisalus, likaiset rahat, sotasaalis, tuhota, turmella, tärvellä, raiskata, hävittää, riistää, ryövätä, ottaa valtaansa, vallata, kyniä, rosvota, ryöstää, varastaa, anastaa.

Rimmaavat sanat

plunder rimmaa näiden kanssa:

cheerleader, outsider...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

plunder (englanti > suomi)

  1. ryöstää

  2. ryöstö

  3. ryöstösaalis

plunder englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To pillage, take or destroy all the goods of, by force (as in war); to raid, sack.

  2. ''The mercenaries plundered the small town.

    The shopkeeper was plundered of his possessions by the burglar.

  3. puhekieltä To take (goods) by pillage.

  4. The mercenaries plundered all the goods they found.

  5. puhekieltä To take by force or wrongfully; to commit robbery or looting, to raid.

  6. ''"Now to plunder, mateys!" screamed a buccaneer, to cries of "Arrgh!" and "Aye!" all around.

  7. puhekieltä To make extensive (over)use of, as if by plundering; to use or use up wrongfully.

  8. ''The miners plundered the jungle for its diamonds till it became a muddy waste.

  9. To take unexpectedly.

  10. 2014, w:Paul Doyle (journalist)|Paul Doyle, " Southampton hammer eight past hapless Sunderland in barmy encounter", The Guardian, 18 October 2014:

  11. The Serb teed up Steve Davis, who crossed low for Graziano Pellè to plunder his fifth league goal of the campaign.
  12. An instance of plundering

  13. The loot attained by plundering

  14. ''The Hessian kept his choicest plunder in a sack that never left his person, for fear that his comrades would steal it.

  15. puhekieltä baggage; luggage

  16. One's property, (collective) possessions,

  17. Notably furniture and other (mainly small) home inventory

  18. (nl-verb form of)
