

  1. jaksoittainen

Liittyvät sanat: magazine



jaksoittainen, ajoittainen, syklinen, toistuva, päivittäinen, vuorokausi-, vuorokautinen, jokapäiväinen, jokaöinen, joka toinen vuosi tapahtuva, joka toinen kuukausi ilmestyvä, joka toinen kuukausi tapahtuva.

Rimmaavat sanat

periodical rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

periodical (englanti > suomi)

  1. aikakauslehti

periodical englanniksi

  1. A publication issued regularly, but less frequently than daily.

  2. A publication that appears at fixed intervals.

  3. A publication that often contains the most current information in the field, on every conceivable topic, often in greater detail than other publication formats.

  4. The primary means for communication of original scholarship or creative work at the cutting edge of research in almost all fields.

  5. periodic Periodic.

  6. Sir J. Herschel

  7. The periodical times of all the satellites.
  8. {{quote-magazine|year=2012|month=March-April

  9. published Published at regular intervals of more than one day, especially weekly, monthly, or quarterly.

  10. Courthope

  11. To influence opinion through the periodical press.
  12. Of, or relating to such a publication.
