

  1. kurkistaa



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Englannin sanakirja

peek (englanti > suomi)

  1. kurkistaa

peek englanniksi

  1. To look slyly, or with the eyes half closed, or through a crevice; to peep.

  2. To be only slightly, partially visible, as if peering out from a hiding place.

  3. 2012, Rachel Kramer Bussel, Going Down: Oral Sex Stories (ISBN 1573447978):

  4. A pale strip of white skin peeked out from under his waistband.
  5. 2012, Michelle Monkou, If I Had You (ISBN 1459223284):

  6. Her brown skin peeked through the empty gap in her clothing.
  7. puhekieltä To retrieve (a value) from a memory address.

  8. 2006, Gary Willoughby, PureBasic: A Beginners Guide to Computer Programming'' (page 279)

  9. We are peeking the value from the first index's memory location.
  10. väärinkirjoitettu muoto
