

  1. kalpea



kiinnittyvä, tahmea, tarttuva, tarrautuva, tahmainen, nänninsuojus, paikka, lihapiiras, lihapiirakka, pasteija, piirakka.

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Englannin sanakirja

pasty (englanti > suomi)

  1. kalpea

  2. pasteija, piirakka

pasty englanniksi

  1. Like paste, sticky.

  2. These mashed potatoes aren’t cooked well, they are very pasty.

  3. pale, lacking colour, having a pallor

  4. He is pasty-faced.

    puhekieltä He was feeling pasty.

    Are you feeling OK? You look a bit pasty.

  5. puhekieltä white-skinned

  6. puhekieltä A small item of clothing that conceals little more than the nipple of a woman's breast, primarily worn by female exotic dancers.

  7. {{quote-book

  8. {{quote-newsgroup

  9. A type of seasoned meat and vegetable pie, usually of a semicircular or distinctive shape. A (savory) hand pie.
