

  1. ihmelääke, ihmeratkaisu, patenttiratkaisu


The partnership with Windows may not be a panacea for Nokias troubles. Kumppanuus Windowsin kanssa ei ehkä ole ihmeratkaisu Nokian ongelmiin.



Panacea, Panakeia.

Rimmaavat sanat

panacea rimmaa näiden kanssa:

idea, liikeidea, tuoteidea, orkidea, juohea, karhea, urhea, kauhea, muhea, jouhea...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

panacea englanniksi

  1. A remedy believed to cure all disease and prolong life that was originally sought by alchemists; a cure-all.

  2. Something that will solve all problems.

  3. A monorail will be a panacea for our traffic woes.

  4. puhekieltä A particular plant believed to provide a cure-all.

  5. 1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, III.v:

  6. There, whether it diuine Tobacco were, / Or Panachæa, or Polygony, / She found, and brought it to her patient deare ....
  7. panaceaEnglish panacea, cure-all

  8. A particular kind of plant, believed to cure all diseases.

  9. English panacea, catholicon.

  10. English panacea
