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Englannin sanakirja

orle englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A bordure that runs around the outline of a shield without touching the edge.

  2. 1819, In his hand he bore that singular “abacus”, or staff of office, with which Templars are usually represented, having at the upper end a round plate, on which was engraved the cross of the Order, inscribed within a circle or orle, as heralds term it. — Walter Scott, Ivanhoe

  3. puhekieltä The wreath, or chaplet, surmounting or encircle encircling the helmet of a knight and bearing the crest; a torse.

  4. (l)

  5. (inflection of)

  6. puhekieltä (l)

  7. border; trim (of clothing, a cloth, etc.)

  8. (pt-verb-form-of)

  9. (es-verb form of)
