


firma, yhtiö, yritys.


Rimmaavat sanat

open-handed rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tweed, lied, LED...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

open-handed englanniksi

  1. Done with the hand open rather than clenched

  2. (quote-book)

  3. liberal Liberal and generous.

  4. (quote-book) |author=(w) |year=1844 |passage='No, no,' said the undertaker; 'not an open-handed gentleman in general, by any means. There you mistake him; but an afflicted gentleman, an affectionate gentleman, who knows what it is in the power of money to do, in giving him relief, and in testifying his love and veneration for the departed.'

  5. frank Frank, honest, and tolerant.

  6. Characterized by looseness and fullness.

  7. With an open hand or hands.

  8. generously Generously.

  9. (en-past of)
