

  1. viisto, kalteva, vino

  2. yhteys|anatomia|k=en vino

  3. epäsuora

  4. kielitiede obliikvi-; muu kuin nominatiivi t. vokatiivi


Angles are either right, acute or oblique.

oblique muscles

oblique criticism

Liittyvät sanat: obliquely



lähenevä, hajaantuva, loittoneva, erilleen menevä, erkaantuva, epäsuora, vilpillinen, kiero, katala, kalteva, vino.

Rimmaavat sanat

oblique rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

oblique (englanti > suomi)

  1. vino

  2. epäsuora, kiero, hämäräperäinen

oblique englanniksi

  1. Not erect or perpendicular; neither parallel to, nor at right angles from, the base; slanting; inclined.

  2. Cheyne

  3. It has a direction oblique to that of the former motion.
  4. Not straightforward; indirect; obscure; hence, disingenuous; underhand; perverse; sinister.

  5. Drayton

  6. The love we bear our friends (..) Hath in it certain oblique ends.
  7. De Quincey

  8. This mode of oblique research, when a more direct one is denied, we find to be the only one in our power.
  9. Wordsworth

  10. Then would be closed the restless, oblique eye / That looks for evil, like a treacherous spy.
  11. Not direct in descent; not following the line of father and son; collateral.

  12. Baker

  13. His natural affection in a direct line was strong, in an oblique but weak.
  14. puhekieltä Of leaves, having the base of the blade asymmetrical, with one side lower than the other.

  15. *File:Ulmus americana (5102579562).jpg|thumb|Oblique leaf bases of Ulmus americana

  16. puhekieltä Of branches or roots, growing at an angle that is neither vertical nor horizontal.

  17. A. Stokes and D. Guitard Tree Root Response to Mechanical Stress in Altman & Waisel 1997 Biology of Root Formation and Development

  18. Oblique and sinker roots will normally be under a greater compression stress than lateral roots.
  19. puhekieltä Pertaining to the oblique case (non-nominative).

  20. puhekieltä Employing one of the three contrapuntal motions, namely, 1. Parallel, 2. Contrary and 3. Oblique. Parallel,when two parts (voices) move in the same direction; Contrary, when they move opposite; and Oblique, when one part (voice) stays on the same note while the other moves away from or towards it.

  21. puhekieltä An oblique line.

  22. (label) (synonym of)/⟩.

  23. 1965, Dmitri A. Borgmann, Language on Vacation, page 240:

  24. Initial inquiries among professional typists uncover names like (sc), (sc), (sc), and (sc). Examination of typing instruction manuals discloses additional names such as (sc) and (sc), and other sources provide the designation (sc).
  25. 1990, John McDermott, Punctuation for Now, page 20:

  26. Other Chaucerian manuscripts had the virgule (or virgil or oblique: /) at the middle of lines.
  27. puhekieltä The oblique case.

  28. puhekieltä To deviate from a perpendicular line; to move in an oblique direction.

  29. Sir Walter Scott

  30. Projecting his person towards it in a line which obliqued from the bottom of his spine.
  31. puhekieltä To march in a direction oblique to the line of the column or platoon; — formerly accomplished by oblique steps, now by direct steps, the men half-facing either to the right or left.

  32. puhekieltä To slant (text, etc.) at an angle.

  33. (l)

  34. (inflection of)

  35. (feminine plural of)
