

  1. mikä tahansa paikka jossa hoivataan ja kasvatetaan nuoria yksilöitä

  2. (vauvan, taaperon) lastenhuone

  3. päiväkoti, lastentarha

  4. taimitarha

  5. (myös kuvaannollisesti) kasvattamo; paikka missa on suotuisat kasvuolosuhteet; tyyssija


This estuary is a nursery of this type of fish: their young thrive in this habitat.

What a veritable nursery of traitors!



rakennus, lastenhuone, viherhuone, kasvihuone, talvipuutarha, päiväkoti, taimitarha, lastenseimi, ansari.

Rimmaavat sanat

nursery rimmaa näiden kanssa:

henry, sherry, sorry, curry, kärry, ostoskärry, peräkärry, country, jury, treasury...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

nursery englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä The act of nursing.

  2. 1606, (w), King Lear, (nowrap) scene 1:

  3. I loved her most, and thought to set my rest / On her kind nursery.
  4. A place where nursing is carried on.

  5. A room or area in a household set apart for the care of children; specifically in European countries.

  6. (RQ:Chmbrs YngrSt)

  7. But they had already discovered that he could be bullied, and they had it their own way; and presently Selwyn lay prone upon the nursery floor, impersonating a ladrone while pleasant shivers chased themselves over Drina, whom he was stalking.
  8. A place where young trees, shrubs, vines, etc., are cultivated for transplanting; a plantation of young trees.

  9. The place where anything is fostered and growth promoted.

  10. (circa) (w), The Taming of the Shrew, act 1, (nowrap)

  11. Fair Padua, nursery of arts.
  12. John Mitchell Mason (1770-1829)

  13. Christian families are the nurseries of the church on earth, as she is the nursery of the church in heaven.
  14. A nursery school.

  15. That which forms and educates.

  16. (ux)

  17. puhekieltä That which is nursed.

  18. puhekieltä The first year of preschool.

  19. English nursery (gloss)
