


ainutlaatuinen, vertailukelvoton, verraton, vertaistaan vailla oleva, ainutkertainen, omaa luokkaansa oleva, vertaansa vailla oleva, jälkiruoka, makeinen, konvehti, leivonnainen, karkki, karamelli, namu, suklaamakeinen, nonparelli, strösseli, erinomainen, ihanteellinen, esikuva, perikuva, ihannekuva, pyhimys, täydellistymä, vertaistaan vailla, ideaali.

Rimmaavat sanat

nonpareil rimmaa näiden kanssa:

cocktail, alkucocktail...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

nonpareil (englanti > suomi)

  1. ylivertainen adjective

  2. nonparelli, strösseli

nonpareil englanniksi

  1. unequalled Unequalled, unrivalled; unique. (defdate)

  2. 1996, (w), Infinite Jest, Abacus 2013, p. 33:

  3. A veritable artist, possessed of a deftness nonpareil with cotton swab and evacuation-hypo, the medical attaché is known among the shrinking upper classes of petro-Arab nations as the DeBakey of maxillofacial yeast .
  4. A person or thing that has no equal; a paragon. (defdate)

  5. c.1599-1601, (w), Twelfth Night; or, What You Will,

  6. My lord and master loves you. O, such love / Could be but recompens'd though you were crown'd / The nonpareil of beauty!
  7. (RQ:RBrtn AntmyMlncl), III.2.2.ii:

  8. King John of France, once prisoner in England, came to see the Countess of Salisbury, the nonpareil of those times, and his dear mistress.
  9. puhekieltä A small pellet of colored sugar used as decoration on baked goods and candy.

  10. A small, flat chocolate drop covered with white pellets of sugar, similar to a comfit.

  11. A smaller grade of caper.

  12. puhekieltä The size of type between agate and minion, standardized as 6-point.

  13. 1881 May 19, Hermann Cohn, s:Popular Science Monthly/Volume 19/May 1881/Eyes and School-Books|Eyes and School-Books, in w:Popular Science|Popular Science Monthly,

  14. I believe that letters which are less than a millimetre and a half (1/17 inch) high, will finally prove injurious to the eye. How little attention has hitherto been paid to this important subject is exemplified in the fact that even oculistic journals and books frequently contain nonpareil, or letters only a millimetre (1/25 inch) high.
  15. unparallelled; unprecedented
