

  1. sanaton


non-verbal communication – sanaton viestintä

Rimmaavat sanat

non-verbal rimmaa näiden kanssa:

pascal, rial, trial, sial, kajal, sammal, laakasammal, rahkasammal, nukkasammal, maksasammal...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

non-verbal (englanti > suomi)

  1. sanaton

non-verbal englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä in a form other than written or spoken words, such as gestures, facial expressions or body language.

  2. puhekieltä of or relating to a word that belongs to any part of speech other than that of verbs

  3. 1991, Bernard Comrie, “On the Importance of Arabic to General Linguistic Theory”, in Bernard Comrie and Mushira Eid (editors), Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics III: Papers from the Third Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics, John Benjamins Publishing Company, ISBN 978-1-55619-135-0, page 15:

  4. In the Moroccan dialect of Meknès, verbal negation is by means of the circumfix ma...-š, as in (15), while nonverbal negation is primarily by means of invariable ma-ši before the nonverbal predicate, as in (16).
  5. 2009, Anna Pazelskaya, "Three Kinds of Event Nominal Negation in Russian", in Peter Bosch, David Gabelaia, and Jérôme Lang (editors), Logic, Language, and Computation: 7th International Tbilisi Symposium, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-00664-7, page 25:

  6. Negative prefix in Russian is a distinctive feature of nonverbal parts of speech, namesly, nouns (even those that do not denote situations, e.g. 3a), adjectives (3b), and adverbs (3c): (..)
  7. puhekieltä Unable to speak.

  8. A sound, gesture, etc. that is not a word.
