

  1. lievittää (kipua)

  2. lieventää (rangaistusta)

  3. pienentää, vähentää


mitigating circumstances



lieventää, helpottaa, keventää, vähentää, pienentää, antaa anteeksi, oikeuttaa, rationaalistaa, rationalisoida, puolustella.

Rimmaavat sanat

mitigate rimmaa näiden kanssa:

aate, olympia-aate, osuustoiminta-aate, periaate, toimintaperiaate, yleisperiaate, määräämisperiaate, toimitusperiaate, julkisuusperiaate, kansallisuusperiaate...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

mitigate (englanti > suomi)

  1. lieventää, helpottaa

mitigate englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To reduce, lessen, or decrease.

  2. 1795w:George Washington|George Washington, s:George Washingtons Seventh State of the Union Address|Seventh State of the Union Address''

  3. Measures are pursuing to prevent or mitigate the usual consequences of such outrages, and with the hope of their succeeding at least to avert general hostility.
  4. 1813w:James Madison|James Madison, s:James Madisons Fifth State of the Union Address|Fifth State of the Union Address''

  5. But in yielding to it the retaliation has been mitigated as much as possible, both in its extent and in its character...
  6. 1896w:Walter Hadwen|Walter Hadwen, s:The Case Against Vaccination|The Case Against Vaccination

  7. Then they tell us that vaccination will mitigate the disease that it will make it milder.
  8. 1901w:H. G. Wells|H. G. Wells, s:The First Men in the Moon|The First Men in the Moon, ch 7

  9. Then I discovered the brilliance of the landscape around was mitigated by blue spectacles.
  10. 1920w:H. P. Lovecraft|H. P. Lovecraft, s:The Cats of Ulthar|The Cats of Ulthar

  11. The plague had not been kind to him, yet had left him this small furry thing to mitigate his sorrow; and when one is very young, one can find great relief in the lively antics of a black kitten.
  12. puhekieltä To downplay.

  13. (inflection of)

  14. (feminine plural of)
