

  1. esine joka on tarkoitus singota tai ampua ilmaan

  2. ohjus


Probe as goalie hit by missile at Burnley game (Lancashire Telegraph, 22.3.2010)

A man has been arrested after the referee at the Cardiff City and Swansea City football derby was hit by a missile thrown from crowds at the game. (BBC, 5.4.2009)

Liittyvät sanat: missile à longue portée, missile de croisière



ilmasta ilmaan -ohjus, ilmataisteluohjus, ilmasta maahan -ohjus, nuoli, ballistinen ohjus, bumerangi, heittoase, ohjus, ammus.

Rimmaavat sanat

missile rimmaa näiden kanssa:

mobile, hile, jäähile, raakile, omenanraakile, märkile, aukile, lakiaukile, faksimile, säile...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

missile (englanti > suomi)

  1. heittoase, ammus

  2. ohjus

missile englanniksi

  1. Any object used as a weapon to hit the enemy or prey through the air, such as stone, arrow or bullet.

  2. The Rhodians, who used leaden bullets, were able to project their missiles twice as far as the Persian slingers, who used large stones.

  3. puhekieltä A self-propelled projectile whose trajectory can be adjusted after having been launched.

  4. That missile is explosive enough to kill hundreds.

  5. English missile

  6. English missile (attributive)

  7. (inflection of)
