

  1. peili

  2. kuvastin

  3. yhteys|tietotekniikka|k=en toisiopalvelin (peilipalvelin)



auton peili, autopeili, iso kääntöpeili, käsipeili, kuvastin, peili, heijastin.

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Englannin sanakirja

mirror englanniksi

  1. A smooth surface, usually made of glass with reflective material painted on the underside, that reflects light so as to give an image of what is in front of it.

  2. I had a look in the mirror to see if the blood had come off my face.

    We could see the lorry in the mirror, so decided to change lanes.

  3. puhekieltä an object, person, or event that reflects or gives a picture of another.

  4. His story is a mirror into the life of orphans growing up.

  5. Spenser

  6. O goddess, heavenly bright, / Mirror of grace and majesty divine.
  7. puhekieltä A webpage or URL that contains replicated data.

  8. Although the content had been deleted from his blog, it was still found on some mirrors.

  9. A mirror carp.
