

  1. muistomerkki



laatta, muistolaatta, sankarivainajien muistomerkki, kenotafi, muistohauta, hautakivi, Lincoln Memorial, megaliitti, megaliittirakennelma, muistomerkki, monumentti.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

memorial (englanti > suomi)

  1. muistomerkki

  2. muistotilaisuus

  3. muisto-

memorial englanniksi

  1. A structure, such as a monument, intended to celebrate the memory of a person or event.

  2. A service of remembrance or commemoration.

  3. puhekieltä a statement of facts set out in the form of a petition to a person in authority, a court or tribunal, a government, etc.

  4. Serving as a remembrance of someone or something; commemorative.

  5. a memorial building

  6. Alexander Pope

  7. There high in air, memorial of my name, / Fix the smooth oar, and bid me live to fame.
  8. Contained in the memory.

  9. a memorial possession

  10. mnemonic Mnemonic; assisting the memory.

  11. Skeat

  12. This succession of Aspirate, Soft, and Hard, may be expressed by the memorial word ASH.
  13. memorialEnglish memorial.

  14. (l)
