


häirintä, nujakka, joukkotappelu.

Liittyvät sanat: meleerata, meleeraus.

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melee rimmaa näiden kanssa:

dublee, kultadublee, suflee, filee, silakkafilee, kalafilee, sillifilee, porsaanfilee, häränfilee, ulkofilee...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

melee (englanti > suomi)

  1. käsikähmä, lähitaistelu

melee englanniksi

  1. Hand-to-hand combat, brawl.

  2. A battle fought at close range, extending even to disorganized crowds of people or traffic jams.

  3. A noisy, confused or tumultuous fight, argument or scrap.

  4. {{quote-journal

  5. Lively contention or debate, skirmish.

  6. puhekieltä A cavalry exercise in which two groups of riders try to cut paper plumes off the helmets of their opponents, the contest continuing until no member of one group retains his plume.

  7. puhekieltä To physically hit in close quarters, as opposed to shooting, blow up|blowing up, or other ranged means of damage. Often refers to the usage of a hand-to-hand weapon.
