

  1. pakollinen



pakollinen, vaadittava, alue, piirikunta, kaupunginosa, mandaattialue, Palestiina, vastaanottaja, saaja, toimeksisaaja.

Rimmaavat sanat

mandatory rimmaa näiden kanssa:

henry, sherry, sorry, curry, kärry, ostoskärry, peräkärry, country, jury, treasury...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

mandatory (englanti > suomi)

  1. pakollinen

mandatory englanniksi

  1. obligatory Obligatory; required or commanded by authority.

  2. Attendance at a school is usually mandatory.

  3. 1999, Ian Stewart, Jack Cohen, Figments of Reality: The Evolution of the Curious Mind, page 276

  4. This kind of immediate control structure we take to be characteristic of the tribe, and it leads to a rather rigid type of system in which 'every action not mandatory is forbidden'.
  5. 2011, Dirk Bünger, Deficits in EU and US Mandatory Environmental Information Disclosure: Legal, Comparative Legal and Economic Facets of Pollutant Release Inventories, Springer Science & Business Media (ISBN 9783642227578), page 57

  6. It also discusses the access to legal instruments for enforcement with regard to mandatory disclosure of environmental information.
  7. Of, being or relating to a mandate.

  8. Mandatory Palestine

  9. puhekieltä A person, organisation or state who receives a mandate; a mandatary.
