

  1. makaroni


macaroni and cheese



pasta, pastaruoka, makaroni, keikari, koreilija, hienostelija, muotileijona, vaatefriikki.

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macaroni rimmaa näiden kanssa:

makaroni, nauhamakaroni, pikamakaroni, munamakaroni, paroni...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

macaroni (englanti > suomi)

  1. makaroni

macaroni englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A type of pasta in the form of short tubes; sometimes loosely, pasta in general. (defdate)

  2. puhekieltä A fop, a dandy; especially a young man in the 18th century who had travelled in Europe and who dressed and often spoke in an ostentatiously affected Continental manner. (defdate)

  3. 1890, (w), The Picture of Dorian Gray, ch. XI:

  4. Delicate lace ruffles fell over the lean yellow hands that were so overladen with rings. He had been a macaroni of the eighteenth century, and the friend, in his youth, of Lord Ferrars.
  5. 1997, (w), Mason & Dixon:

  6. A small, noisy party of Fops, Macaronis, or Lunarians,—it is difficult quite to distinguish which,—has been working its way up the street.
  7. English macaroni

  8. puhekieltä (l)

  9. puhekieltä wop; a person of Italian descent.
