

  1. (laivan) horjuminen, kallistuminen



astunta, käynti, hoipertelu, kompurointi, horjahtelu, löylyttää, rökittää, päihittää, voittaa, lyödä, siirtää, viedä, kiikkua, keikkua, kääntyä, kävellä, hoippua, horjua, hoiperrella, toikkaroida.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

lurch englanniksi

  1. A sudden or unsteady movement.

  2. the lurch of a ship, or of a drunkard

  3. 1898, (w), (w) Chapter 4

  4. Yet I hoped by grouting at the earth below it to be able to dislodge the stone at the side; but while I was considering how best to begin, the candle flickered, the wick gave a sudden lurch to one side, and I was left in darkness.
  5. To make such a sudden, unsteady movement.

  6. puhekieltä To swallow or eat greedily; to devour; hence, to swallow up.

  7. Francis Bacon

  8. Too far off from great cities, which may hinder business; too near them, which lurcheth all provisions, and maketh everything dear.
  9. An old game played with dice and counters; a variety of the game of tables.

  10. A double score in cribbage for the winner when his/her adversary has been leave someone in the lurch|left in the lurch.

  11. Walpole

  12. Lady Blandford has cried her eyes out on losing a lurch.
  13. puhekieltä To leave someone in the lurch; to cheat.

  14. South

  15. Never deceive or lurch the sincere communicant.
  16. puhekieltä To steal; to rob.

  17. Shakespeare

  18. And in the brunt of seventeen battles since / He lurched all swords of the garland.
