


palkki, parru, poikkipalkki, ylälauta, kamana.

Rimmaavat sanat

lintel rimmaa näiden kanssa:

askel, harha-askel, taka-askel, laukka-askel, puoliaskel, tanssiaskel, vauhtiaskel, ristiaskel, sävelaskel, puolisävelaskel...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

lintel (englanti > suomi)

  1. kamana

lintel englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A horizontal structural beam spanning an opening, such as between the uprights of a door or a window, and which supports the wall above.

  2. 1915, w:W. Somerset Maugham|W.S. Maugham, "s:Of Human Bondage/Chapter LXXXVII|Of Human Bondage":

  3. Athelny had told him that he lived in a house built by Inigo Jones; he had raved, as he raved over everything, over the balustrade of old oak; and when he came down to open the door for Philip he made him at once admire the elegant carving of the lintel.
  4. (l) (beam)

  5. (l) (gloss)
