

  1. lisensiaatti



lisensiaatti, tutkija, oppinut henkilö, oppinut.

Rimmaavat sanat

licentiate rimmaa näiden kanssa:

aate, olympia-aate, osuustoiminta-aate, periaate, toimintaperiaate, yleisperiaate, määräämisperiaate, toimitusperiaate, julkisuusperiaate, kansallisuusperiaate...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

licentiate (englanti > suomi)

  1. lisensiaatti

licentiate englanniksi

  1. A person who holds the academic degree of license.

  2. One who has a licence to exercise a profession.

  3. a licentiate in medicine or theology

  4. Johnson

  5. The college of physicians, in July, 1687, published an edict, requiring all the fellows, candidates, and licentiates, to give gratuitous advice to the neighbouring poor.
  6. A friar authorized to receive confessions and grant absolution in all places, independently of the local clergy.

  7. (rfquotek)

  8. One who acts without restraint, or takes a liberty.

  9. (inflection of)
