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Englannin sanakirja

leptosporangium englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A sporangium formed from a single epidermal cell.

  2. 2003, Jill Bailey, Filicinophyta (ferns), entry in The Facts on File Dictionary of Botany, http://books.google.com.au/books?id=QfQ6fQU46EMC&pg=PA84&dq=%22leptosporangium%22%7C%22leptosporangia%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Y-D1Usm6D4ickQWQrIDwCA&ved=0CMsBEOgBMB0v=onepage&q=%22leptosporangium%22%7C%22leptosporangia%22&f=false page 84,

  3. In the Filicales the leptosporangium has a specialized spore dispersal mechanism involving an annulus of cells with thick walls that ejects spores explosively as it dries out.
  4. 2010, Lily Bora, Principles of Paleobotany, http://books.google.com.au/books?id=Z3ro0CxBVPgC&pg=PA256&dq=%22leptosporangium%22%7C%22leptosporangia%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Y-D1Usm6D4ickQWQrIDwCA&ved=0CG8Q6AEwCwv=onepage&q=%22leptosporangium%22%7C%22leptosporangia%22&f=false page 256,

  5. The characteristic that unites the Filicales as a monophyletic clade is the presence of leptosporangia with an annulus-an area of specialized cells involved in dehiscence.(..)Leptosporangia typically produce only a few spores, and are most commonly homosporous.
  6. 2011, Michael G. Simpson, Plant Systematics, http://books.google.com.au/books?id=Ia2eIPVksMMC&pg=PA88&dq=%22leptosporangium%22%7C%22leptosporangia%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Y-D1Usm6D4ickQWQrIDwCA&ved=0CC0Q6AEwAAv=onepage&q=%22leptosporangium%22%7C%22leptosporangia%22&f=false page 88,

  7. Leptosporangia are unique among vascular plants in (1) developing from a single cell, and (2) having a single layer of cells making up the sporangium wall.
