

  1. jonkin pitäjä

  2. vartija, valvoja, holhoaja

  3. museon intendentti

  4. eläintarhan eläintenhoitaja, intendentti

  5. arkikieltä jokin tai joku joka kannattaa pitää; pidettävä, säilytettävä

  6. (adjektiivimääreen kanssa) säilyjä; jokin joka säilyy pilaantumatta

  7. (amerikkalainen jalkapallo) juoksupeli; peli jossa pelinrakentaja pitää pallon ja juoksee sen kanssa

  8. lyhentymä yhdyssanoista 'gamekeeper' (riistanhoitaja), 'goalkeeper' (maalivahti) tai 'wicketkeeper' (sieppari kriketissä)

  9. pidin, pidike; renksu, lenkki


a keeper of dogs

Im your friend, not your keeper!

We just caught some small fish and not a single keeper.

This book is a keeper.

Your new boyfriend is so nice. Hes definitely a keeper!

These nuts are not very good keepers.

Oh sh*t, the keeper has come off! – What keeper? – The strap-keeper of my watch.

Liittyvät sanat: keeping



lastentarhan pitäjä, lastenhoitaja, hoitaja, kaitsija, lapsenvahti, lapsenlikka, lapsenkaitsija, holhooja, talonmies, intendentti, konservaattori, kuraattori, vartija, valvoja, pehtori.

Rimmaavat sanat

keeper rimmaa näiden kanssa:

per, vesper...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

keeper (englanti > suomi)

  1. vartija

  2. maalivahti

keeper englanniksi

  1. One who keeps something.

  2. Finders keepers; losers weepers.

  3. puhekieltä A person or thing worth keeping.

  4. 1970, Field & Stream (volume 75, number 7, page 76)

  5. "Okay, that's a keeper," Harold said as he netted the 3-pounder and put him on a stringer over the side of the boat.
  6. 2005, w:Ladies' Home Journal|Ladies' Home Journal, Volume 122, Issues 7-12, page 101,

  7. When he brought me home and volunteered to come with me while I walked my dog, Max, I knew he was a keeper.
  8. 2008, Jennifer Zomar, A Candle for the Children, page 28,

  9. We hadn't dated for long when he said those three magic words: "I'll cook tonight." I knew he was a keeper.
  10. A person charged with guarding or caring for, storing, or maintaining something; a custodian, a guard; sometimes a gamekeeper.

  11. 1460-1500, The Towneley Playsː

  12. I see that it is good; now make we man to our likeness, that shall be keeper of mere & leas(ow), of fowls and fish in flood.
  13. (rfdate) Bible

  14. And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?
  15. {{quote-book|year=1907|author=w:Harold Edward Bindloss|Harold Bindloss

  16. puhekieltä The player charged with guarding a goal or wicket. Short form of goalkeeper, wicketkeeper.

  17. {{quote-journal

  18. A part of a mechanism that catches or retains another part, for example the part of a door lock that fits in the frame and receives the bolt.

  19. puhekieltä An offensive play in which the quarterback runs toward the goal with the ball after it is snapped.

  20. One who remains or keeps in a place or position.

  21. Bible, Titus ii. 5

  22. discreet; chaste; keepers at home
  23. 1971, H. R. F. Keating, The Strong Man

  24. I was not altogether surprised: they seemed to be, even more than people in the surrounding wolds, stolid keepers-to-themselves, impossible to stir, dourly determined to stick to the firm routine of their lives(..)
  25. A fruit or vegetable that keeps for some time without spoiling.

  26. Downing

  27. The Roxbury Russet is a good keeper.
  28. 1878, Journal of Horticulture and Practical Gardening (volume 35, page 331)

  29. And mark you, good keepers are some years bad keepers, as this year; and a hard, heavy, unbruisable Apple that really will keep to late on in the season is doubly valuable.
  30. puhekieltä English keeper, goalie
