

  1. tapaus, sattumus

  2. välikohtaus

Liittyvät sanat: incidental



tapahtuma, sattuma, tapaus, luonnontapahtuma, cause celebre, infektio, tartunta, tartuttaminen, välittyminen, tarttuminen, kohtaus.

Rimmaavat sanat

incident rimmaa näiden kanssa:

management, understatement, establishment, vol-au-vent...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

incident (englanti > suomi)

  1. tapaus, tapahtuma

  2. tapaus

  3. välikohtaus, selkkaus

  4. johtuva

  5. tuleva

  6. satunnainen

  7. kuuluva, asiaankuuluva, asianmukainen

incident englanniksi

  1. An event or occurrence.

  2. A (relatively minor) event that is incidental to, or related to others

  3. An event that may cause or causes an interruption or a crisis

  4. In safety, an incident of workplace illness or injury

  5. Arising as the result of an event, inherent

  6. puhekieltä (of a stream of particles or radiation) falling on or striking a surface (e.g. "The incident light illuminated the surface.")

  7. Coming or happening accidentally; not in the usual course of things; not in connection with the main design; not according to expectation; casual; fortuitous.

  8. Hooker

  9. As the ordinary course of common affairs is disposed of by general laws, so likewise men's rarer incident necessities and utilities should be with special equity considered.
  10. Liable to happen; apt to occur; befalling; hence, naturally happening or appertaining.

  11. Milton

  12. all chances incident to man's frail life
  13. Milward

  14. the studies incident to his profession
  15. 1816, Richard Lawrence, The complete farrier, and British sportsman (page 245)

  16. The Vives, like the strangles, is most incident to young horses, and usually proceeds from the same causes, such as catching cold, being over-heated, or over-worked, about the time of shedding their teeth.
  17. puhekieltä Dependent upon, or appertaining to, another thing, called the principal.

  18. (l)

  19. incidental

  20. puhekieltä English incident

  21. English incident

  22. (inflection of)
