

  1. kuitenkin

  2. kuinka hyvänsä, kuinka tahansa, miten tahansa

  3. sentään

Rimmaavat sanat

however rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

however (englanti > suomi)

  1. kuitenkin

  2. miten tahansa">miten tahansa

however englanniksi

  1. nevertheless Nevertheless; yet, still; in spite of (that).

  2. (ux)

    She wanted to go; however, she decided against it.

  3. (RQ:WBsnt IvryGt)

  4. Thus, when he drew up instructions in lawyer language, he expressed the important words by an initial, a medial, or a final consonant, and made scratches for all the words between; his clerks, however, understood him very well.
  5. (quote-book)

  6. (quote-magazine)

  7. puhekieltä To whatever degree or extent

  8. puhekieltä In whatever way or manner.

  9. how How.

  10. However were you able to do it?

  11. puhekieltä in any case|In any case, at any rate, at all events.

  12. (circa) John Tillotson:

  13. Our chief end and highest interest is happiness : And this is happiness to be freed from all (if it may) or however from the greatest evils.
  14. In whatever way or manner.

  15. she offered to help however she could

  16. puhekieltä although Although, though, but, yet.
