
Englannin sanakirja

houndstooth (englanti > suomi)

  1. kukonaskel

houndstooth englanniksi

  1. A two-colour fabric pattern of broken checks.

  2. (quote-journal)|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=Interior Design Division of Whitney Communication Corp.|year=1974|volume=45|page=251, column 1|oclc=5382904|passage=Other patterns include varied adaptations of paisleys, Tree of Life motifs, tiles, scenics, patchworks, ticking, soft-edge geometries, sports themes, crewel shapes, houndsteeth, and a plethora of florals.

  3. (quote-book)|year=1998|page=210|isbn=978-1-56158-265-5|passage=A houndstooth fabric is composed of tiny, interlocking pinwheel motifs. There are many houndstooth knitting patterns(nb..); to add an extra touch to these patterns, work them in nubby or textured yarns.

  4. (quote-book)

  5. Fabric with a houndstooth pattern; an item of clothing made with such fabric.

  6. (quote-journal)

  7. (quote-book)|year=2014|page=68|isbn=978-0-393-08004-9|passage=Her dress is wool too, brown and black houndsteeth that belonged to her mother.
