

  1. sulhanen

  2. tallirenki

  3. kamariherra


Groom of the Stool

Liittyvät sanat: grooming



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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

groom (englanti > suomi)

  1. tallirenki

  2. siistiytyä

  3. sukia

  4. tampata

groom englanniksi

  1. A man who is about to become or has recently become part of a married couple. Short form of bridegroom.

  2. A person who cares for horses.

  3. {{quote-magazine|date=2013-01

  4. One of several officers of the English royal household, chiefly in the lord chamberlain's department.

  5. the groom of the chamber; the groom of the stole

  6. To attend to one's appearance and clothing.

  7. To care for horses or other animals by brushing and cleaning them.

  8. To prepare someone for election or appointment.

  9. {{quote-magazine|title=What a waste

  10. To prepare a ski slope for skiers

  11. puhekieltä To attempt to gain the trust of a minor or adult with the intention of subjecting them to abusive or exploitative behaviour such as sexual abuse, human trafficking or sexual slavery.
