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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

garçonnière englanniksi

  1. A bachelor pad.

  2. 1957, Lawrence Durrell, Justine:

  3. He did not care for money, except to spend it – that was the first: the second was that he did not own a garçonnière, and appeared to be faithful to Justine – an unheard of state of affairs.
  4. 1969, Vladimir Nabokov, Ada or Ardor, Penguin 2011, p. 16:

  5. She ... fell grievously in love there with a married man, who after one summer of parvenu passion dispensed to her in his Camping Ford garçonnière preferred to give her up rather than run the risk of endangering his social situation ....
  6. bachelor pad

  7. (feminine singular of)

  8. love nest
