

  1. kiitolaukka, neli

  2. kiireinen tai hätäinen juoksu

  3. yhteys|kuva|k=en sydämen rytmihäiriö



astunta, askellaji, laukkaaminen, laukka, neli, ratsastaa, istua selässä, laukata, nelistää, panna laukkaamaan, saada laukkaamaan.

Rimmaavat sanat

gallop rimmaa näiden kanssa:

bebop, hiphop, shop, workshop, hiiop, kop, pop, top, tiptop, stop...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

gallop (englanti > suomi)

  1. neli, kiitolaukka

  2. nelistää, laukata

gallop englanniksi

  1. The fastest gait of a horse, a two-beat stride during which all four legs are off the ground simultaneously.

  2. An abnormal rhythm of the heart, made up of three or four sounds, like a horse's gallop.

  3. (Intransitive. Of a horse, etc) To run at a gallop.

  4. The horse galloped past the finishing line.

  5. To ride at a galloping pace.

  6. John Donne

  7. Gallop lively down the western hill.
  8. To cause to gallop.

  9. to gallop a horse

  10. To make electrical or other utility lines sway and/or move up and down violently, usually due to a combination of high winds and ice accrual on the lines.

  11. To run very fast.

  12. {{quote-journal

  13. puhekieltä To go rapidly or carelessly, as in making a hasty examination.

  14. John Locke

  15. Such superficial ideas he may collect in galloping over it.
  16. 1847, Anne Brontë, Agnes Grey

  17. Soon after breakfast Miss Matilda, having galloped and blundered through a few unprofitable lessons, and vengeably thumped the piano for an hour, in a terrible humour with both me and it, because her mama would not give her a holiday, (..)
