

  1. nata (takso|Festuca)



heinä, heinäkasvi, ruoho, nadat, Festuca-suku, nata, mata, Festuca elatior.

Rimmaavat sanat

fescue rimmaa näiden kanssa:

fondue, juustofondue, hiue, poikue, sorsapoikue, joukkue, all stars -joukkue, maajoukkue, hopeajoukkue, liigajoukkue...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

fescue englanniksi

  1. A straw, wire, stick, etc., used chiefly to point out letters to children when learning to read.

  2. Milton

  3. to come under the fescue of an imprimatur
  4. 1997, (w), (w)

  5. ‘Now then,’ Mason rapping upon the Table’s Edge with a sinister-looking Fescue of Ebony, whose List of Uses simple Indication does not quite exhaust, whilst the Girls squirm pleasingly
  6. A hardy grass commonly used to border golf fairways in temperate climates. Any member of the genus Festuca.

  7. An instrument for playing on the harp; a plectrum.

  8. (rfquotek)

  9. The style of a sundial.

  10. To use a fescue, or teach with a fescue.
