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Rimmaavat sanat

faintness rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

faintness englanniksi

  1. The property of being or feeling faint.

  2. 1591, (w), (w), Act IV, Scene 1, http://www.opensourceshakespeare.org/views/plays/play_view.php?WorkID=henry6p1&Scope=entire&pleasewait=1&msg=pl

  3. And he first took exceptions at this badge, / Pronouncing that the paleness of this flower / Bewray'd the faintness of my master's heart.
  4. 1738, (w), (w), Book I, Section 7, http://www.gutenberg.org/files/4705/4705-h/4705-h.htm

  5. The confusion, in which impressions are sometimes involved, proceeds only from their faintness and unsteadiness, not from any capacity in the mind to receive any impression, which in its real existence has no particular degree nor proportion.
  6. 1859, (w), (w), Chapter 6, http://www.gutenberg.org/files/98/98-h/98-h.htm

  7. The faintness of the voice was pitiable and dreadful. It was not the faintness of physical weakness, though confinement and hard fare no doubt had their part in it. Its deplorable peculiarity was, that it was the faintness of solitude and disuse. It was like the last feeble echo of a sound made long and long ago.
  8. 1949, (w), (w), Part Three, Chapter 1, http://www.gutenberg.net.au/ebooks01/0100021h.html

  9. The humming sound and the unvarying white light induced a sort of faintness, an empty feeling inside his head.
