

  1. tutkimusmatkailija



Internet Explorer, Explorer, IE.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

explorer (englanti > suomi)

  1. tutkimusmatkailija

explorer englanniksi

  1. One who explores something

  2. A person who by means of travel (notably an expedition) searches out new information.

  3. Any of various hand tools, with sharp points, used in dentistry.

  4. puhekieltä A visual representation of a file system etc. through which the user can navigate.

  5. 2007, Mark Minasi, John Paul Mueller, Mastering Windows Vista Business: Ultimate, Business, and Enterprise

  6. For example, Vista includes a document explorer that shows just the documents in a location without considering all of the other files that might appear there.
  7. to explore

  8. (inflection of)
