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  1. puhekieltä Extreme wickedness, nefariousness, cruelty. (defdate)

  2. Not until the war ended and journalists were able to enter Cambodia did the world really become aware of the enormity of (w)s oppression.''

  3. (quote-journal): New book 'Road to a Modern Tragedy' examines Tsarnaev brothers' motivation print version: Behind the mask, page R23|url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/bookreviews/11648487/Boston-Marathon-bombing-New-book-examines-Tsarnaev-brothers-motivation.html|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20150611095537/http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/bookreviews/11648487/Boston-Marathon-bombing-New-book-examines-Tsarnaev-brothers-motivation.html|archivedate=11 June 2015|work=(w) (Review)|city=London|date=6 June 2015|passage=(w) coined the phrase "the banality of evil" in her dispatches for (w) from (w)'s trial in Jerusalem in 1961. It was her attempt to square the mediocrity of the man with the enormity of his crimes.

  4. puhekieltä An act of extreme evil or wickedness. (defdate)

  5. puhekieltä Hugeness, enormousness, immenseness. (defdate)

  6. 2007, Edwin Mullins, The Popes of Avignon, Blue Bridge, published 2008, page 103:

  7. But the enormity of Clement's vision of papal grandeur only became clear once the public rooms were completed during the years that immediately followed.
  8. (quote-journal)|date=13 May 2012|passage=w:Wayne Rooney|Wayne Rooney and his team-mates started ponderously, as if sensing the enormity of the occasion, but once w:Paul Scholes|Paul Scholes began to link with (w) in the middle of the park, the visitors increased the tempo with Sunderland struggling to keep up.
