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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

enfilade englanniksi

  1. A line or straight passage, or the position of that which lies in a straight line.

  2. (quote-journal) (Review)|date=4 January 2015|passage=In his (w)-winning novel (w), (w) wrote about people who know their world history as being able to look back through the millennia as an enfilade of rooms: Greece yields to Rome; Rome to the Byzantine Empire ... the Renaissance ... the British Empire ... America ... China. The same goes for people who can recite their kings and queens. British history clicks into a long enfilade of discrete, identifiable periods.

  3. gunfire Gunfire directed along the length of a target.

  4. puhekieltä A series of doors that provide a vista when open.

  5. puhekieltä to rake something with gunfire

  6. {{quote-book|year=1907|author=w:Harold Edward Bindloss|Harold Bindloss

  7. row or series (of houses)

  8. puhekieltä (l)

  9. (l) (gunfire)

  10. puhekieltä skewer
