

  1. huveta


hope dwindles



vähentyä, pienentyä, vähetä, pudota, pienetä, laskea, huveta, kutistua, hävitä.

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Englannin sanakirja

dwindle (englanti > suomi)

  1. vähetä, huveta, haipua

dwindle englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To decrease, shrink, diminish, reduce in size or intensity.

  2. 1802, w:Erasmus Erasmus, s:The Complaint of Peace|The Complaint of Peace, translated by T. Paynell,

  3. Every thing that was improving gradually degenerates and dwindles away to nothing, (..)
  4. puhekieltä To fall away in quality; degenerate, sink.

  5. The flattery of his friends began to dwindle into simple approbation. (Goldsmith, Vicar, III)

  6. Jonathan Swift

  7. Religious societies, though begun with excellent intentions, are said to have dwindled into factious clubs.
  8. 1919, w:Boris Sidis|Boris Sidis, s:The Source and Aim of Human Progress|The Source and Aim of Human Progress

  9. The larger the empire, the more dwindles the mind of the citizen.
  10. (quote-journal) (Gardening)|date=26 September 2014|passage=(..) Infected tulips are weakened by the viruses that cause the very patterns and swirls that fascinated horticulturists and investors in the first place. Such bulbs tend to dwindle away instead of fattening up and producing offsets.

  11. To lessen; to bring low.

  12. Thomson

  13. Our drooping days are dwindled down to naught.
  14. To break up or disperse.

  15. (rfquotek)
