
Rimmaavat sanat

drat rimmaa näiden kanssa:

enkelinkiharat, rahavarat, lahjavarat, ruokavarat, voimavarat, vesivoimavarat, sanavarat, lainavarat, muonavarat, raaka-ainevarat...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

drat (englanti > suomi)

  1. kirota

  2. samperi, saamari

drat englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To damn or curse.

  2. That dratted cats been in the vegetable patch again.''

  3. 1882, The Japan Daily Mail (page 1129)

  4. Whereat Mr. Fussy Fumer, gravely displeased, hastens home and writes an anonymous letter to Mrs. Gamp, who joins him in dratting the 'imperent upstart,' and denouncing the incompetence of the police.
  5. 1999, Guy Murchie, ''The Seven Mysteries of Life: An Exploration in Science & Philosophy - Page 14

  6. And should you be one of those conventional persons who thinks of parasites as abnormal or perhaps goes so far as to drat the varmints, you may be surprised to discover, as I did, that parasites live both inside and outside most organisms in all the kingdoms, which makes parasitism thoroughly normal(..)
  7. A cry of anger or frustration

  8. straight

  9. wire (metal)
