

  1. huimaantunut, huimaava

  2. tyhjäpäinen


feel dizzy – huimata

My new secretary is a dizzy blonde.



kevytmielinen, typerä, älytön, ajattelematon, harkitsematon, hölmö, tyhmä, kipeä, sairas, pyörryttävä, huimaava, huimausta aiheuttava, muuttaa, huimata.

Englannin sanakirja

dizzy (englanti > suomi)

  1. huimaava

  2. tyhmä

dizzy englanniksi

  1. Having a sensation of whirling, with a tendency to fall; giddy; feeling unbalanced or lightheaded.

  2. I stood up too fast and felt dizzy.

  3. Drayton

  4. Alas! his brain was dizzy.
  5. Producing giddiness.

  6. We climbed to a dizzy height.

  7. Macaulay

  8. To climb from the brink of Fleet Ditch by a dizzy ladder.
  9. 1918, (w), w:The Land That Time Forgot (novel)|The Land That Time Forgot Chapter IX

  10. ...faintly from the valley far below came an unmistakable sound which brought me to my feet, trembling with excitement, to peer eagerly downward from my dizzy ledge.
  11. empty-headed Empty-headed, scatterbrained or frivolous.

  12. My new secretary is a dizzy blonde.

  13. Milton

  14. the dizzy multitude
  15. puhekieltä To make dizzy, to bewilder.

  16. (RQ:Flr Mntgn Essay), Folio Society, 2006, vol.1, p.161:

  17. Let me have this violence and compulsion removed, there is nothing that, in my seeming, doth more bastardise and dizzie a wel-borne and gentle nature(nb..).
  18. Sir Walter Scott

  19. If the jangling of thy bells had not dizzied thy understanding.
  20. {{quote-journal|date=September 7, 2012|author=Dominic Fifield|work=The Guardian
