


lokeroida, paloitella, osastoida, jaotella, polarisoitua, eristää, erottaa, irrottaa, jakaa osiin, jakaa.

Rimmaavat sanat

disunite rimmaa näiden kanssa:

kiinnite, suunnite, hakkuusuunnite, väestösuunnite, jännite, korkeajännite, suojajännite, matalajännite, napajännite, tasajännite...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

disunite (englanti > suomi)

  1. erottaa

disunite englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To cause disagreement or alienation among or within.

  2. 1516, w:Thomas_More Sir Thomas More, Utopia, "Of Their Military Discipline":

  3. If they cannot disunite them by domestic broils, then they engage their neighbours against them.
  4. 1863, w:Charles_Reade Charles Reade, Hard Cash, ch. 44:

  5. Secrets disunite a family.
  6. puhekieltä To separate, sever, or split.

  7. 1899, w:Robert_Barr_(writer) Robert Barr, Jennie Baxter, Journalist, ch. 16:

  8. I have discovered how to disunite that force and that particle.
  9. puhekieltä To disintegrate; to come apart.

  10. 1843, w:Robert Browning|Robert Browning, A Blot In The Scutcheon'', Act I:

  11. You cannot bind me more to you, my lord.
    Farewell till we renew... I trust, renew
    A converse ne'er to disunite again.
  12. (feminine plural of)

  13. (inflection of)
